3 Simple ways to be more Productive
This lock down has taught me one thing — I cannot be more productive just because I have more time! Time is one of the key factors to get the most out of the day but there are several other things which are equally important like how I am feeling, the state of my mind, the condition of my room, the health of my loved ones, knowing what the menu looks like for the day, etc. We may not realize how important they are but, they play a major role.
I would like to share three simple ways that I found helpful to be more productive.
- Close that Door
I mean it literally and figuratively. Close your room door to get some quiet and peace to be able to focus better. Also, close all the doors of the unanswered questions and issues which you know do not hold priority over the important stuff that you need to get done. You can not control everything, if you’re fixing something, another thing would be going down elsewhere, but you know what? Its okay. You are human, you cannot get everything right all the time. So, keep your focus on things that really matter.
2. The right time to listen to some Music
Several studies suggest that music helps us focus better and be more productive and my experience confirms that. However, I have realized two things that are important here — a) The type of music you hear and b) When to listen to music. Talking about point a) The type of music, soothing music can help but also make some people (like me) feel sleepy. So, I have realized that listening to the music I like or something that is catchy and fast paced helps keep me motivated to finish the task.
Now, coming to point b) When to listen to music, please observe and identify when does listening to music helps you and when it distracts you. For instance, whenever I have to do tasks that do not require me to think much and are repetitive in nature, I enjoy listing to songs as they keep my spirits high. Such tasks may include washing the utensils and entering data in excel sheets. However, whenever I have to create content for my sessions, or write a blog, I prefer no music and create absolute silence around me. So, find out when is listening to music helpful for you and when it’s not and use it to get the best out of you!
3. Drinking Water — the Underdog
We pay less attention and do not realize the importance of water in our lives. Drinking Water: a) Makes you get up to go to the bathroom which also gives you an opportunity to stretch and catch a quick break, only to come back and focus better; b) Helps prevent dry mouth; c) Keeps the body cool; d) Helps the brain be more sharp. There are many more positives of drinking water.
I hope that you find these tips helpful. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or write to me on psychologyenthusiast89@gmail.com
Thank you for reading!